Saturday, August 23, 2008

Polar Survival Kit

While on the plane from LAX to Tokyo, while waiting for the lavatory, I noticed a placard on the ceiling that said "Polar Survival Kit". So I ask the head stewardess, "What's in a Polar Survival Kit?"

She answers: It's for when we fly to India, over the polar region, in case we need to make an emergency landing on the ice. There are only two on the plane. It's a protective suit, jacket, gloves, boots, and so on in case the pilot needs to go outside the plane.

Why would the pilot need to go outside the plane?

She answers: I'm not sure. I haven't actually seen one of the survival kits, I've only seen pictures. But don't go outside without one; You would die quickly. Of course, you'd die pretty quick in the airplane too, because it wouldn't be much warmer inside the plane.

So only the pilot gets to survive?

Answer: Well, there are two suits, so the pilot and one other person.

1 comment:

Joan said...

Remind me not to fly over Alaska.