Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monogamous Prostitution

I went down to the front desk one night to ask about clubs that would have salsa dancing, but there was someone in front of me so I had to wait. The hotel guest in front of me was talking in Spanish to the desk manager, and a woman was standing nearby looking bored. The woman was pretty and dressed provocatively. The desk manager had stopped the woman from going with the guest up to his room, because she wasn't registered as a guest. I remember that when we had checked in to the hotel, the desk clerk had made a point of telling us that any guests that went up to a room had to be registered guests, and that since Bobby and I were staying in the same room we would not be allowed to bring any other guests up with us. Here is the translation of my memory of the conversation between the Spanish-speaking guest and the hotel desk manager:

Manager: She cannot go up to the room with you because she is not registered as a guest.
Guest: OK, then I want to register her as a guest.
Manager: Yes, but you already registered a different woman as a guest last night. Hotel policy is that you can only register two people to a room for the duration of the stay. If you want to bring this woman up to your room you will need to pay for another room.
Guest: But the other woman isn't here anymore, and I want to change it to this woman.
Manager: I understand, but the hotel policy does not allow that.
Guest: But I've already paid for this room and I'm the only person staying in the room.
Manager: I understand, but hotel policy does not allow you to bring more than one guest during your stay.
Guest: How much does another room cost for the night?
Manager: Another room for tonight would be 235 Reals.
Guest: But I can get a motel for less than that.
Manager: I understand, but that is the hotel policy.

At this point the guest left with the woman to go to a motel. The woman looked bored with the conversation from the beginning, because she had probably heard the same conversation before. The hotel didn't have any policy against bringing hookers into the hotel, but they would take their cut of the money. Either you had to bring the same hooker in every night, or you had to pay for an additional room every night, or go to one of the many love motels in the area. In Rio hotels are normal hotels like you would expect, but love hotels rent for 8 or 12 hour periods.

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