Friday, October 19, 2012

Cat Poop Coffee

Kopi Luwak Cat Poop Coffee

Have you heard of Kopi Luwak? It is the most expensive coffee in the world. And yes, it is cat poop coffee.

It's not exactly a cat, it's a civet. And it's not the poop that I'm drinking. This particular species of civets likes to eat the raw coffee beans with the surrounding fleshy part of the seed. While the coffee bean is traveling through the civet, the civet digests away the fleshy part leaving only the coffee bean. The people gather the scattered coffee beans, they clean away the bad stuff, and then they clean and roast the coffee beans.

Why go to all this trouble for coffee beans? Why not just take the coffee beans from the tree? Apparently the digestive enzymes alter the coffee bean, modifying and deepening the flavor.

OK, that sounds gross. But if you knew how sausage was made you would think it was gross too.

How does it taste? It does have an interesting flavor. It's a little less bitter than normal coffee, but I still need sugar and cream with it. It's especially good with ginger and cream.

I'm buying some Kopi Luwak to bring home with me. Would you like to taste it when I return?


ryankicks said...

Hilarious. Oddly enough, I've had it before. It's good. But I'm a Dunkin guy myself. Until they start selling it with my Boston Creme Pie, I'm not paying $110 a bag.

Joan said...


Who knows - love to taste it.

Unknown said...

Especially loved the interview while you were showing. Us the civet!

Lenny said...

I always thought that was just a joke from a Dave Barry column.